Clubs, Societies and Groups
Groups for Babies, Toddlers and their Parents and Carers.
NCT North East Somerset branch - various times and places
Baby and Toddler Groups - Monday and Friday 10-11.30 Holy Trinity Church Paulton, Tuesday 9-10.30 St. Johm's Church Farrington. All groups run by Paulton Benefice . Tots - Thursdays Paulton Scout and Guide Hall. 10-11.30.
Flutterbys - Child minders groups. Thursdays. Wesley Hall. 9.30-12.30
Swims for Parents, babies and toddlers. Various days and times Stay and Play. Tuesday and Friday mornings 9-9.45
Eco Wild - Biweekly groups for under 5’s & parents. 10 – 11.45am Wednesday and Fridays. Greyfield woods. (B&NES term time)
Groups for Children and Young People
Home Education Group - Fridays 10-12noon Scout and Guide Hall
Guiding. Brownies. Guides. Thursdays. Paulton Scout and Guide Hall. - Beavers Cubs Scouts Various Evenings Scout and Guide Hall
Ukelele. Every Wednesday. The Cellar. 6.30-8pm. This is an all age club with adults and young people attending. Please ask for contact number
Youth Bus - Outside Paulton village hall every Wednesday between 4.30 & 6.30 If you need more info give our mobile youth worker Alex a call on 07977859707
Sport and Exercise for Children and Young People
Bowls - Saturdays. 10-12nooon.
Dancing - Various days. Paulton Rovers
FootballPaulton Rovers Youth. No further details available.Purnell Youth
KarateJKA Karate. Tuesday. Village Hall. 7.30-8.30 .www.nrkarate.weebly.comBritish Shotokan. Wednesdays . Village Hall. 7-8pm
Netball. Purnell sports Various age groups at various days and
Tennis. Saturday Mornings. Various times. Cam Valley tennis club
At Paulton Pool
There's Early Morning Swimming, Adult Lunchtime Dips, Adult Lengths, and public swimming timesSwimfit Activate!Aqua Aerobics!For younger members there is....Swimming Lessons :- Parent and Baby, Parent and Toddler, Pre-school, after school, 1-1 lessons, stay and play sessions, inflatable sessions and family fun sessions.
Exercise and Fitness for Adults
Circuit Training - MSL total Fitness. Mondays and Wednesdays. Paulton Scout HallMondays 6.30pm. Wednesdays 8pm
Dancing80's fitness dance - Village Hall-Thursdays with Bath Dance Centre in Paulton - Assorted Days & times. Paulton Rovers Dance - Tuesdays. Paulton Rovers 6.15-7.15 Steps - Thursday. Paulton Rovers. 9.15-10 Dance - Wednesdays 7.30. Rockaway. Temple Cloud
Exersice - Extend. Wednesdays. Paulton Scout and Guide Hall.
Pilates-Mondays-Village Hall -
Slimming World. Mondays . assorted times . Paulton Rovers football Club
Tai Chi Qigong. Tuesdays 5pm. Conigre Hall Timsbury (Keen to welcome Paulton residents)
Walking. Somer Valley Ramblers . Various days and times.
Yoga.Tuesdays 6.45pm - 8pm. You can join in person, or online through Zoom. Rockaway - Temple 5.30-6.30 Paulton Village Hall . 07824633695(Restorative yoga and meditation class.) Mondays and Tuesdays. Paulton Scout and Guide Hall. 8pm. No further details.
Zumba. Tuesdays. Rovers. 7-8pm. Booking essential.
Sport for Adults
Badminton _ Ladies. Tuesdays. Village Hall 2-4pm . Just drop in.
Bowls. Paulton Bowls Club. Assorted Days & times. Recreation Ground.'s Outdoor and Indoor Bowls Club. Assorted Days & times. Purnell sports
Cricket - Purnell's Cricket Club - No further details
FootballPaulton Rovers Football Club Ladies - Paulton Rovers Sport's Youth Football Club - Assorted Days. Cam Valley Sports Ground. Assorted TimesContact moc.kooltuo%40htuoystropsllenrupWalking Football - Various times and days. Midsomer Norton Sport's centre
KarateJKA Karate.- Assorted Days. Village hall. Assorted Times www.nrkarate.weebly.comBritish Shotokan Karate - Village hall. Wednesdays 7-9pm.
Netball. Paulton Rovers Netball Club. Assorted Days. Assorted Times Sports Netball. Assorted Days. Assorted Times
Tennis. Cam Valley Tennis Club. Various courses, competitions, days and
Interest Groups for Adults
Art Art Club. Tuesdays . Wesley Hall. 2-4pm Valley Arts Trail Group. Various venues and events
Book Club - Wednesday monthly. Paulton Library. Contact the council office 01761 413644Book Group/Page Turners. Wednesdays. Red Lion. 7.30 01761 418296
Bell Ringing. Wednesday evenings. Holy Trinity Church. Contact available on request
Drama. PADs Active at varying show times.
Knit and Natter. 1st Wednesday of month. Holy Trinity church. 2pm. Ask for contact details
Mah Jong. Every other Thursday . Wesley hall.
Music - Folk Music Group. 1st Thursday of every month. Red Lion . 8.30-11pm. Ask for contact details in the Red LionPaulton concert Band . Please contact the band for details of current meetings. www.paultonconcertband.orgUkelele. Every Wednesday. The Cellar. 6.30-8pm. Please ask for contact number
Groups to support Well Being - Paulton
Paulton PensionersThursdays. Usually at the Rovers. 9.30 -11am. No further details availableFridays afternoon. Scout and Guide Hall. No further details available
Drop InsHoly Trinity Church. Coffee morning. Tuesdays 10-11.30Methodist Church. Saturday coffee morning. Wesley hall . Well Being Drop In. Thursdays.Baptist Church. 11-1pm. Games, craft, chatTrinity Breakfast Drop In. 4th Saturday of each month. Holy Trinity Church. 10-11.30
Groups to support Well Being - B&NES
Well Being Options - Well Being Options provides activities, as well as information and support for older people . WWW.WELLBEINGOPTIONS.CO.UK
Well Being college B&NES - Huge assortment of activities at a variety of B&nes locationsSome zoom. -
Carer's Drop In -
Holy Trinity Church offer....
Dig In. - Biblical Discussion . 4th Tuesday of every month. Holy Trinity Church. 7.30 Men in Shed .Discussion Group. Wednesdays 8pm. Red LionWomen's Group. Various topics and speakers. Every other Wednesday. Holy Trinity Church. 7.30
For any of the above, Contact:-moc.liamg%40ttiPmadAveR
Choir - Most Thursdays 4pm or 7pm Contact 01761419498
U3A Huge assortment of groups in various locations. Midsomer Norton, Paulton, Radstock
Join us to support Local and National Communities
Cam Valley Rotaty. A branch of Chelwood Bridge
Radstock and Midsomer Norton LionsVarious times and events .
Somerset Coalfield Life - Radstock Museum
For residents of Somerset Coalfields
Local History Club will be held on the 3rd Monday of every month from 10:30am -12noon. This group will have the opportunity to enjoy handling museum artefacts and guessing what they were used for, share local history, stories and discover hidden treasures. There will be games, quizzes, tea, coffee and biscuits. The café is open to everyone.
The Memory Club will be held on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month from 10:30-12noon and is especially for people with dementia and memory loss and their carers. This will be a reminiscence group enjoying artefacts from recent history including toys and games from the 1950s – 1970s and will include activities using different senses, a chat and tea, coffee and biscuits.
Find out more :- 07741 577055 ku.oc.muesumkcotsdar%40stneve
Nature and Environment
Coal Canal
The Somersetshire Coal Canal Society is the driving force behind the restoration of the 10 miles long Somersetshire coal canal.They hold regular work parties at which a lot a lot of gardening type activities take place There are skilled-labour tasks too, so if you think you have a skill that would be useful to us, please get in touch!
Contact us: to join a Paulton Work Party, contact Stu Ashman at workparty_ www.ku.gro.lanaclaoc%40notluap or phone/text 07759 336864.Meeting location: Paulton – BS39 7PF
Cam Valley Wildlife Group
Cam Valley Wildlife Group is an independent local wildlife group actively involved in wildlife conservation and enjoyment. They conduct a number of recording and conservation projects within our area and have a programme of events both within and outside our area, including walks, trips, and talks.More information:-
Goosard Batch, Paulton. Nature Reserve Conservation Project
The objective of this project is to manage Goosard Batch reserve for the benefit of fauna and flora and for the enjoyment/education of the public. Work Days take place on the first Saturday of each month. Anyone is welcome to attend though places are limitedMore information:-
Paulton on The Wild Side
New group. Following the sad loss of the Red Lion Community Garden, enthusiasts have relaunched as ‘Paulton on the Wildside’ and will be focusing on work on 4 key areas in the coming weeks. Bulb planting - Avon Wildlife Trust have donated a variety of native bulbs and these will be planted soon. Developing a wildlife trail for families and children – this is one of the ideas that we’d like to develop in the coming months. Managing a small area around the electricity sub-station at the end of Williams Green – this area has for many years been managed by Pride in Paulton, we have agreed to develop this as a wildlife area. Developing our links with other nature/wildlife projects in the area – for example: Cam Valley Wildlife Group; Pride in Paulton; the Toad Patrol on Bath Road. View the events page to discover when things are taking place
Pride in Paulton
Members of Pride in Paulton meet regularly on Tuesday mornings at the hub at 10 am. They tackle many village projects including planting and tidying areas around Paulton, decorating our village for Remembrance, Christmas and National events and ensuring that the village always has stunning hanging basket dispays during the summer months.Branding of legal firm. Our work on this project included creating a logo, motto, website, advertising strategy, and other details that help to build a well-known brand.
Somer Valley Rediscovered
Nextdoor Nature is a national campaign by The Wildlife Trusts as part of Team Wilder’s community-led action for nature’s recovery. The project aims to raise understanding about the urgent need for change, and to recognise individuals and communities’ own roles in making that change happen. They want to support local people in the projects they want to make happenFind out more:-
The Somer Valley Enterprise Zone
The Somer Valley Enterprise Zone (SVEZ) is a planned new area for commercial development, where it is aimed to create a local hub for new business and employment.B&NES are keen to inform about the development so more can be found at:- is a group 'Stop the SVEZ' Their page is :-