



What a fantastic day we had at Paulton’s Party in the Park. We think we had record numbers that attended. A big thank you to all of the stallholders, attractions, performance bands, food and bar who made it a successful event.> Special thanks to our very own Paulton Infant School who started us off with a performance of their Dance Umbrella , followed by the many other activities and attractions.Thank you to all our volunteers. We couldn’t do it without you all! We would> also like to thank the following local companies for their kind support:> Inside out mini skip hire> Massey and Wilcox transport Limited> As well as:> Noah’s Ark preschool> Dot Mitchard and her Charity Quiz at the Red Lion Pub> Paulton Rovers Afternoon Tea for Charities> Paulton Parish Council.> Finally a very special thank you to George Batchelar who masterminded the whole event, helped by Anne Lyons, Ashley Byers and Liz Hardman.> We hope you enjoyed yourselves and we look forward to our next Party in the Park in 2025


From B&NES....Current vacancies in early years settings across B&NES can be found on our dedicated website at


Consultation on parking charges in B&NES goes live.A range of parking charge proposals, including the introduction of emission-based parking charges to all council-owned car parks where the scheme currently doesn’t operate and on-street pay and display locations in Bath, are being consulted


Next steps for Somer Valley Enterprise Zone were considered by CabinetCouncillors were asked to consider making use of compulsory purchase powers if needed, to enable development of the Somer Valley Enterprise Zone (SVEZ) at a meeting 11 July.Watch this space - we hoope to hear the outcome!


Shape the future of ageing in Bath & North East Somerset. Take the first ever Ageing Well Survey. Your insights & experiences are crucial in shaping a community that truly meets the needs of its people. Survey deadline 31 July



The Red Lion Community Garden featured at this year’s Party in the Park, alongside stalls for Pride in Paulton, Cam Valley Wildlife Group and the School Gardening Club. How amazing to have 4 groups all committed to improving the natural environment in our village.We were able to talk to local people about the project and share some of our first produce: gooseberries; raspberries; and herbs (basil, parsley and marjoram). 
Several young families from the estate behind the pub talked with us about how good it will be to have somewhere for their children to learn more about growing and gardening, especially those without their own gardens. We also had an offer of perennial flowers and advice for one keen gardener and a new resident who has been experience of helping community gardens elsewhere. We continue to meet fortnightly on Saturday mornings (from 10.00 – 12.00) for ‘working parties’ and chat. Current jobs to be done include watering, weeding and continuing with tidying up the site. The next sessions are on: 6th July, 20th July, 3rd August, 17th August, 31st August and fortnightly thereafter. You don’t have to stay for the full 2 hours and we are always pleased to see people who just want to come and look at what we are doing and share their ideas for the development of the garden.
We are always open to hearing from anyone interested in learning more about what we are doing, helping to develop our plans for the future, and talk about how we work with other groups in the village. Do come by to meet us all. 
We also have the following Pond Workshop event coming up!See the events page.


B&NES Libraries - Bath, Keynsham,MSN

Marking our Centenary – 100 years of lending books in July 2024, all babies born during this month and registered in B&NES will be gifted a book and invited to a special event in our libraries this


From B&NES


News from Farrington farm


Food bank

As far as we are aware, donations can be made at Tesco, the co op or left in the entrance porch to Holy Trinity Church.


Food bank

As far as we are aware, donations can be made at Tesco, the co op or left in the entrance porch to Holy Trinity Church.


Discover what is on in the Somer valley community


Summer Reading challenge


Summer Reading challenge


From Paulton Library


Junior Coaching at Camvale Tennis Club ❤️A reminder for anyone who has attended, currently attends, or wishes to attend coaching at Camvale Tennis ClubWe have a fun, friendly, engaging coaching programme for all juniors who wish to play Tennis in the area 🎾 🎾 It is Pay and Play every Saturday at Camvale Tennis Club with high quality coachesTimings are as follows -1:30pm to 2:30pm - 4 to 8 year olds (red ball, mini-nets, small courts)2:30pm to 3:30pm - 8 to 10 year olds (orange ball, lower net, reduced main court size)3:30pm to 4:30pm - 10 to 16 year olds (green/yellow)Come along, bring your friends and family and share this post 👏🏻 Now that summer is here, hopefully we will have hot and dry Saturdays for all juniors to come and enjoy ☀️☀️We have a small clubhouse for essential needs/ facilities 💧 🚾, and our neighbours The Shed - Paulton are only next door if food and drink are wanted before or after🍔🍻


Book Now

Limited spaces available


New School to be built

A bid to build a new school in Bath and North East Somerset to meet the needs of the most vulnerable pupils at risk of permanent exclusion has been approved by the Government.


Volunteer Drivers Wanted

We are in desperate need of Volunteer Drivers for our vital Community Bus! Could you spare around 2 hours a month? Please help keep this service going and call 01225 466135 or email .ku.oc.senabkuega%40noitpecer Visit




Paulton Concert Band

Can you help us?
We are looking for a new conductor, for our small friendly band, as, after many years, Richard Soulsby is standing down.
Firstly, we would like to thank him for his many years of hard work and dedication in leading the band.
This means that we have an opportunity for someone to take over from him and we would welcome anyone with musical knowledge to get in touch with us.
Richard has kindly offered to assist with the handover and will support them any way he can.
Contact us at: moc.liamtoh%40dnabtrecnocnotluap
Tel. 07706060268Buy this powerful take-anywhere speaker and enjoy the pure sound of your favorite music.


Somerset Coal Canal

The Coal Canal is a canal under restoration. It starts from the junction of the Kennet and Avon canal at Limpley Stoke, Brassknocker basin and follows the Cam valley though Midford, Combe hay where it ascends a flight of 22 locks and on to Dunkerton, Camerton, Radford and ends at the Paulton/Timsbury basins. There was also a southern line that went from Midford across an aqueduct and ended at Radstock, this part of the canal was short lived in part to a lack of water and was superseded with a tramway. 


Swan Transport appeals for volunteers


About Swan Transport


Borrow not buy

Bath Library of Things is open for browsing or you can reserve in advance online. Borrow the things you need for your home, garden, trips, and projects. Find us now at 3 York Buildings on George Street, Bath.Opening Hours:Tuesday 10am- 1pmWednesday 10am-1pmThursday 1pm-4pmFriday 10am-1pm  Saturday 10am-1pm


The Larder

Found outside the Wesley Hall




Food Bank

Donations can be made at Tesco or in the porch of Holy Trinity Church


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