work party
Do you have any skills that could help us move closer to our goal of restoring the walls of Terminus Bridge at Paulton end of the Somersetshire Coal Canal?
We are looking for skilled and unskilled help to boost progress on this critical piece of restoration. We are really keen to complete the walls, but with only one (excellent) person working on it, it's proving difficult. Ideally we would have stonemasons, bricklayers and/or general builders helping out - for one day only! We also need unskilled help to support the bridge builders and to speed things up.
In return for 3 hours of your time on Sunday 13th April 2025 (10am-1pm) we invite you to join us for a drink afterwards at The Red Lion in Paulton. We will provide a drink and some food (plus a delicious slice of cake from local cake maker Fairy Cake House) for your efforts! If we can get a large group of people, we could smash this next stage, which will allow us to put the next stretch of the canal back into water.
Please consider coming to help, even if you think you might not have the right skills, we have plenty to do and it's all in the name of helping your local community. If any businesses think they might be able to help too, we'd love to hear from you!
Meeting Location: Paulton Dry Dock, next to Paulton Basin.
Contact Tracy for more details: moc.lanaclaoc%40gnitekram
From Paulton Librarians
From Paulton Librarians
As far as we are aware donations can be left outside Holy Trinity Church, made at the co op or in Tesco
There are lots of short courses (outdoors and wellbing related) starting soon in the area. Find out more
Paulton Concert Band
WANTED! Paulton Concert Band are searching for a new Musical Director/Conductor on a voluntary basis.We are a small friendly, enthusiastic, non-contesting, mixed ability village band with a broad musical repertoire committed to making music in the community.Rehearsals are weekly on Monday nights in the Cellar underneath Paulton Methodist Church.If you are interested in leading the band please contact us either via email: moc.liamtoh%40dnabtrecnocnotluap or through our website: www.paultonconcertband.orgWe are also keen to hear from any Brass, Woodwind and Percussion players who are interested in joining us.We look forward to hearing from you.
Paulton Library
World book day vouchers
Paulton Library News
A wide-ranging transport project benefitting much of Bath & North East Somerset, which aims to improve travel choices, has launched its public consultation.
Bath & North East Somerset Council wants to hear from residents and businesses on the Somer Valley Links (SVL) project, an initiative aimed at improving sustainable travel between Midsomer Norton, Radstock, Bath and Bristol through enhanced bus infrastructure and increased opportunities for walking, wheeling, and cycling.
The public consultation will run from Tuesday 4th February until midnight on Sunday 16th March. Multipurpose assistance for online stores and offline retail
Museum reopening
The Museum is reopening on Saturday 1st February after closing for December and January.
Opening Times:
Monday Closed
(Bank Holiday Mondays open 2pm until 5pm)
Tuesday 2pm until 5pm
Wednesday 2pm until 5pm
Thursday 2pm until 5pm
Friday 2pm until 5pm
Saturday 11am until 5pm
Sunday 2pm until 5pm
Museum reopening
Community Café Programme It has been with some reluctance that the Museum is forced to close the Community Café programme.
The Museum originally had a large grant to set up the Community Cafes (and as a spin-off the History Club). The money was originally made available just before Covid struck, but we were permitted to keep hold of it until we could resume operations when we re-opened.
Unfortunately, that funding ran out last September and we have been unable to secure any new money.At that time the Trustees decided to fund the project until the end of this coming March, but unless further grants were available, we would have to close the project and give Helen Vella, who manages the programme on a part-time salary basis, 3 months notice.Unfortunately, sufficient additional funds have not been forthcoming and the decision has been made to close the programme from the end of March.Over the past few years, the programme has been a great success, due in the main part to Helen Vella’s enthusiasm and management skills. The Trustees thank Helen for her valued contribution and wish her well for the future.
Trinity Table Breakfast
A new initiative from Holy Trinity Church Paulton.Come and share a sociable breakfast.Free
Paulton pool
Stay and Play. Tuesday and Friday mornings.
News from Coal Canal
Another section of old reeds cleared from the end of the canal near Timsbury Basin. We will stop the clearance when nesting starts, but this is prime time to be clearing. It's all being done by hand. If you feel like volunteering some of your time, email moc.lanaclaoc%40notluap_ytrapkrow or meet near the dry dock every Sunday 10am.Can you help?
Purnell Sports Youth football Club
Can you help?
Paulton Pool
Emergency Information
A woman called 999 last Saturday at just before midnight…she said very little but a man’s voice could be heard in the background 🤔She asked for police, but the line dropped out before she was put through to us.We tried to call her back but these attempts failed and worried for her safety, we visited her home in Wisbech - where a woman with an injury to her eye opened the door 😞 We arrested one man on suspicion of causing actual bodily harm (ABH) and has been released on conditional bail while investigations continue.Did you know that pressing 55 after calling 999 alerts police operators that you need help but are in a situation where you can't talk? 👀 📱Pressing 55 lets the 999 operator know your call is genuine, and they will try to track your location. If you can't speak, listen carefully to the questions and instructions from our demand hub call agents so they can assess your call and arrange help. Find out more info on our website:
Book tickets
BARN DANCE, PAULTON ROVERS, 1ST MARCH 7:30-11:45PM For tickets contact Stuart Tibbs on 07702 501110. Come and enjoy a night of live music, by THE CAT'S WHISKERS and dancing with caller JETHRO plus supper and bar. Swing your partners!!! . Suitable for all ages.
Paulton Library
Ladies boxing
New class starting in Paulton. Wednesday 8th JanuaryWesley Hall
From B&NES....Current vacancies in early years settings across B&NES can be found on our dedicated website at
Next steps for Somer Valley Enterprise Zone were considered by CabinetCouncillors were asked to consider making use of compulsory purchase powers if needed, to enable development of the Somer Valley Enterprise Zone (SVEZ) at a meeting 11 July.Watch this space - we hoope to hear the outcome!
Swan Transport appeals for volunteers
About Swan Transport
Borrow not buy
Bath Library of Things is open for browsing or you can reserve in advance online. Borrow the things you need for your home, garden, trips, and projects. Find us now at 3 York Buildings on George Street, Bath.Opening Hours:Tuesday 10am- 1pmWednesday 10am-1pmThursday 1pm-4pmFriday 10am-1pm Saturday 10am-1pm
The Larder
Found outside the Wesley Hall
Food Bank
Donations can be made at Tesco or in the porch of Holy Trinity Church
From ffod bank:-Seasons Greetings to you all,
I’d like to start by thanking you all for your continued support. To date this year we have received just over 18600Kg, that’s 18.6 tonnes in donations, and you’ve all played a part in that fantastic result, so thanks to you all!
Below is our first most needed list for 2025